Determining lesion size for MBS items 31356 to 31388 selection

This page provides information on determining the necessary excision diameter for removal of skin lesions for MBS items 31356 to 31388

Page last updated: 21 June 2023

This Factsheet includes references to the current clinical practice guidelines for determining lesion size for MBS items 31356 to 31388. To determine the necessary excision diameter (or defect size) a practitioner should include the lesion size and a clinically appropriate margin of healthy tissue required, with the intent of complete surgical excision.

Practitioners should take measurements before excision with the margin size determined in line with current National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines.

Further information is available in the following factsheet:

Word Version Factsheet for Determining lesion size for MBS selection (Word 127 KB)
PDF Version Factsheet for Determining lesion size for MBS selection (PDF 142 KB)

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