What is RSS?
A news feed (also known as Really Simple Syndication, or RSS), is an XML-based format for content distribution on the Internet. It is an excellent way for Internet users to get updated news content and online articles without having to search for it. In this case, when you subscribe to an RSS feed, users will receive information from the MBS Online ‘Latest News’ page as soon as it is published.
How Does RSS Work?
When a new article is published or a change made to a webpage, RSS keeps track of the changes and delivers them to you through your RSS reader. RSS feeds are most often attached to text, images, and pod casts, but they can be used with any document that has content changes.
How Do I Use RSS?
To view RSS feeds, you need an RSS reader (also called an aggregator), which trolls RSS feeds across the Web to regularly update content. All are pretty easy to use, offering users the chance to read, email, save or clip content with a click of the mouse. There are many web-based readers, all which compile and update feeds, all which allow anonymous access to their feeds from any computer with Internet access.
What is a Feed?
A feed is similar to a bookmark in a web browser. If you subscribe to the feed of MBS Online, for instance, you will always see the Latest News releases in your reader. Put another way, a feed is a website that changes.
How Do I "Subscribe" to a Feed?
There are various ways. You may see an orange symbol

on web pages, which represents the RSS feed or a page of feeds. Copy the URL (the web address) of the feed you want and paste it into your reader to subscribe.
Where can I access an RSS reader?
There are many dozens of RSS readers available from the internet. To find one, simply type in the search criteria, ‘RSS readers’ in your favourite search engine.