File type | Download options | Notes |
XML | MBS XML 210721e (8,247 KB) | File updated on 21 July 2021.
Note:This file includes 18 new temporary items relating to smoking cessation counselling services and the removal of the patient’s usual GP rule for support services under Better Access and eating disorder services. |
XML | MBS XML 210701a2 (8,247 KB) | File updated on 16 July 2021.
Note:This file includes two new items (92746 92747) relating to telehealth phone services in COVID-19 hot spots. More information on this is available on the current factsheet page. |
XML | MBS XML 210701a1 (8,247 KB) | File updated on 1 July 2021.
Note:This file includes 1 July 2021 indexation and schedule fee change for items 11729 30483 50345 16018. More information on this is available on the current factsheet page. |
XML | MBS XML 210701a (8,247 KB) | File updated on 18 June 2021.
Note:This file includes 1 July 2021 indexation and additional changes to the MBS(including fee increases for items 47027 47033 47045 47465). More information on this is available on the current factsheet page. |
XML | MBS XML 210701- (8,270 KB) | File updated on 28 May 2021.
Note:This file includes 1 July 2021 indexation and changes to general surgery, orthopaedic services and cardiac services. More information on this is available on the current factsheet page. |
Ready Reckoner | RR202107 (DOCX 67 KB) |  |
Relative Value Guide | RVG File 210701 (TXT 17 KB) | File created on 12 May 2021 to include schedule fees and benefits for 1 July 2021. |
The PDF and WORD documents are now available. These documents include the annual indexation of MBS items and major changes to Orthopaedics, General Surgery and Cardiac items