Leadless permanent cardiac pacemaker – Amended items

This page provides information on changes to two Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) leadless permanent cardiac pacemaker (LPM) items 38373 and 38374 from 1 March 2024.

Page last updated: 13 February 2024

From 1 March 2024, two MBS items for percutaneous retrieval and replacement (38373) or percutaneous retrieval (38374) of a LPM will be amended to clarify requirements for standby cardiothoracic surgeon support and need for immediate access to a theatre capable of open cardiothoracic surgery.

The changes support high value care and ensure patient safety. These changes reflect modern clinical practice and will ensure patients receive a Medicare benefit for LPM services when clinically appropriate.

Further information is provided in the Quick Reference Guide below:

Word Version - Amended items for leadless permanent cardiac pacemaker (Word 132 KB)
PDF Version - Amended items for leadless permanent cardiac pacemaker (PDF 140 KB)

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