Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item 42739 factsheet

Change in requirement from specialist anaesthetist to an anaesthetist

Page last updated: 30 June 2021

From 1 July 2021, a change to MBS item 42739 for paracentesis of anterior chamber or vitreous cavity, or both, for the injection of therapeutic substances, or the removal of aqueous or vitreous humours for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes will specify that the item is for a patient requiring the administration of anaesthetic by an anaesthetist.

This supersedes a change to the item on 1 March 2021 to specify that the item was for a patient requiring administration of anaesthetic by a specialist anaesthetist. The intent of item 42739 is that it should be claimed for patients requiring the administration of anaesthetic by an anaesthetist, for example in a patient under the age of 18 years or if cognitive impairment precludes safe intravitreal injection without sedation.

1 July 2021 changes
PDF version version Factsheet MBS item 42739 (PDF 261 KB)
Word version Factsheet MBS item 42739 (Word 92 KB)

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