Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): introduction of two new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items and removal of four outdated MBS items

This page provides information on two new items and removal of four obsolete items for treatment of BPH.

Page last updated: 19 February 2024

From 1 March 2024, two new MBS items will be introduced to treat patients for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH):

    ˇ Item 37204 will be introduced for treating patients for BPH using prosthetic urethral lift (PUL); and
    ˇ Item 37205 will be introduced for treating patients for BPH using transurethral water vapour ablation (TUWA).
Additionally, from 1 March 2024, four outdated items for minimally invasive services for treating BPH will be removed from the MBS. The four items being removed are:

    ˇ Items 37230 and 37233 for transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT);
    ˇ Item 37202 for continuation of initial treatment for transurethral radio-frequency needle ablation (TUNA); and
    ˇ Item 37206 for continuation of initial treatment for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
The introduction of the new items and the removal of the outdated items was supported by the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) in July 2022 and approved by Government for funding on the MBS in the 2023-24 Budget.

These changes are relevant for specialists involved in treating BPH, including urologists, and patients.

Further information can be found in the factsheet below:

Word Version Factsheet - Benign prostatic hyperplasia: introduction of two new MBS items and removal of four MBS items (Word 128 KB)
PDF Version Factsheet - Benign prostatic hyperplasia: introduction of two new MBS items and removal of four MBS items (PDF 176 KB)

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