Changes to Colonoscopy services

Page last updated: 09 December 2019

Colonoscopy Advance Notification (PDF 175 KB)
Colonoscopy Advance Notification (DOC 104 KB)

Factsheet - Colonoscopy Services (PDF 312 KB)
Factsheet - Colonoscopy Services (DOC 99 KB)

Colonoscopy Quick Reference Guide (PDF 460 KB)
Colonoscopy Quick Reference Guide (DOC 104 KB)

Colonoscopy Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 388 KB)
Colonoscopy Frequently Asked Questions (DOC 105 KB)

ˇ What? The changes include a restructuring of items for colonoscopy services, including the addition of new items, deletion of existing items, and minor consequential amendments to existing items and explanatory notes.

    ˇ Why? MBS items for colonoscopy services will be changing to facilitate provision of effective, evidence-based colonoscopy services; reduce low-value care; and improve access to MBS-funded colonoscopy services for those who need it.
      ˇ Who? These changes are relevant for all specialists involved in the management of colonoscopy services, consumers claiming these services, and private health insurers.
        ˇ When? The changes to colonoscopy services will be effective from 1 November 2019. These changes are subject to legislative process. Further details including full item descriptors will be released as soon as the changes to colonoscopy services are confirmed.

          Where can I find more information?

          Further information on these changes will be provided as the details are confirmed.

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