MBS funded investigations for sleep disorders – current professional guidelines

This page provides information to confirm the current professional guidelines for MBS funded investigations for sleep disorders and the relevant part of the current professional guidelines that apply.

Page last updated: 21 June 2024

Changes to explanatory note (DN.1.17) which is associated with MBS sleep study items 12203 to 12250, have been made to confirm the current professional guidelines that apply for MBS funded investigations for sleep disorders and the relevant part of these guidelines that are required to be followed.

A number of organisations were invited to provide feedback to the amendments to the explanatory note. These organisations included the Australia and New Zealand Sleep Science Association, Australian Medical Association, Australasian Sleep Association, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Further information on these changes can be found in the factsheet below:
Word version - MBS funded investigations for sleep disorders – current professional guidelines (Word 124 KB)
PDF version - MBS funded investigations for sleep disorders – current professional guidelines (PDF 156 KB)

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