Telehealth Services Provided by GPs and Non-Specialist Medical Practitioners to Patients in Rural and Remote Areas

Page last updated: 31 October 2019

GP Teleheatth Advance Notification (PDF 300 KB)
GP Telehealth Advance Notification (DOC 105 KB)

Factsheet - GP Telehealth Items in MMM 6 and 7 (PDF 325 KB)
Factsheet - GP Telehealth Items in MMM 6 and 7 (DOC 94 KB)

Quick Reference Guide - GP Telehealth Items in MMM 6 and 7 (PDF 285 KB)
Quick Reference Guide - GP Telehealth Items in MMM 6 and 7 (DOC 96 KB)

Frequently Asked Questions - GP Telehealth Items in MMM 6 and 7 (PDF 291 KB)
Frequently Asked Questions - GP Telehealth Items in MMM 6 and 7 (DOC 93 KB)

ˇ What? 12 new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for telehealth video consultations with patients living in rural and remote areas.

ˇ Why? Access to flexible and timely primary care services can be difficult in rural and remote Australia. Telehealth services help to address inequities in the provision of health care services and have the potential to deliver improved health outcomes to people living in rural and remote locations.

ˇ Who? The new items will be available to general practitioners (GPs) and non-specialist medical practitioners. Eligible patients will:

    o be living in a Modified Monash Model (MMM) 6 or 7 area;
    o have received three face-to-face professional attendances in the preceding twelve months from the practitioner who will provide the telehealth service; and
    o at the time of the consultation, be at least 15 kilometres by road from the practitioner.
ˇ When? The new MBS telehealth items will be introduced on 1 November 2019. Further details including full item descriptor(s) will be available in October 2019.

Where can I find more information?

Further information on these changes will be provided as the details are confirmed.

To find out more or subscribe for updates visit

Important Note: As at 1 November 2019, the information on this site about the new MBS telehealth items, including all item descriptors, is accurate. A minor error identified in the item descriptor for new MBS item 2483 has been corrected on-line. The XML file will be updated with this information in January 2020.

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