Mesh MBS Item 1 July 2018 (PDF 46 KB)
Mesh MBS Items 1 July 2018 (Word 494 KB)
From 1 July 2018, the Government is introducing changes to the MBS to address patient safety concerns regarding the use of transvaginal mesh in pelvic organ prolapse (POP) surgery.
What do the changes involve?
Changes to items for the repair of POP
The MBS currently provides rebates for a number of procedures where surgeons may or may not apply techniques involving urogynaecological mesh, including items specifically for the repair of POP.
The changes will amend MBS items for the repair of POP via vaginal approach (items 35570, 35571, 35573, and 35577) to clarify that MBS rebates will only be payable for procedures that do not employ the use of mesh. These items will continue to be available for native tissue repairs without mesh.
Items for the repair of POP via vaginal approach will continue to be available for native tissue repairs without mesh.
New items for mesh removal
The Government is supporting patient access by introducing three new items for the surgical removal of mesh/graft material in symptomatic patients. The new MBS rebates correlate with the varying levels of complexity of the procedure depending on the size, approach and complications experienced.
Why is the Government making these changes?
There has been increasing safety concerns for patients who have transvaginal mesh implants, including reports of chronic, severe and life-changing pain and complications. To address these concerns, the Government is drawing forward recommendations from the MBS Review Taskforce’s Gynaecology Clinical Committee.
The changes align with the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s recent removal of urogynaecological mesh products from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods, whose sole purpose is for the repair of POP by vaginal approach.
The new items will allow appropriate rebates for the surgical removal of mesh in symptomatic patients and help facilitate the collection of Medicare data on the number of women requiring mesh removal in Australia.
The changes also complement the work of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on the appropriate use of mesh. For more information regarding the resources available for consumers, clinicians and health service organisations, please visit:
The MBS Review Taskforce is finalising its remaining recommendations on MBS gynaecological services, including those for stress urinary incontinence procedures. The report will be available for consultation in line with Taskforce processes.
Changes to item descriptors and new items:
Amendments to the existing items 35570, 35571, 35573 and 35577
Changes to Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgical Items:
Service | Item | Amended Item Descriptor |
Anterior vaginal compartment repair | 35570 | Anterior vaginal compartment repair by vaginal approach for pelvic organ prolapse (involving repair of urethrocele and cystocele), using native tissue without graft, other than a service associated with a service to which item 35573, 35577 or 35578 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $553.85 Benefit: 75% = $415.40 |
Posterior vaginal compartment repair | 35571 | Posterior vaginal compartment repair by vaginal approach for pelvic organ prolapse involving repair of one or more of the following:
(a) perineum;
(b) rectocoele;
(c) enterocoele;
using native tissue without graft, other than a service associated with a service to which item 35573, 35577 or 35578 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $553.85 Benefit: 75% = $415.40 |
Anterior and posterior vaginal compartment repair | 35573 | Anterior and posterior vaginal compartment repair by vaginal approach for pelvic organ prolapse (involving anterior and posterior compartment defects), using native tissue without graft, other than a service associated with a service to which item 35577 or 35578 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $830.90 Benefit: 75% = $623.20 |
Manchester (Donald Fothergill) operation | 35577 | Manchester (Donald Fothergill) operation for pelvic organ prolapse (includes cervical amputation, anterior and posterior native tissue vaginal wall repairs without graft) (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $674.50 Benefit: 75% = $505.90 |
New items for the surgical removal of urogynaecological mesh:
Item | Item Descriptor |
35581 | Vaginal procedure for excision of graft material in symptomatic patients with graft related complications, including graft related pain or discharge and bleeding related to graft exposure, less than 2cm2 in its maximum area, either singly or in multiple pieces, other than a service associated with a service to which item 35582 or 35585 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
(See para TN.8.140 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Fee: $553.85 Benefit: 75%=$415.40 |
35582 | Vaginal procedure for excision of graft material in symptomatic patients with graft related complications, including graft related pain or discharge and bleeding related to graft exposure, more than 2cm2 in its maximum area, either singly or in multiple pieces, other than a service associated with a service to which item 35581 or 35585 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
(See para TN.8.140 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Fee: $830.90 Benefit: 75%=$623.20 |
35585 | Abdominal procedure either open, laparoscopic or robotic, for removal of graft material in patients symptomatic with graft related complications, including graft related pain or discharge and bleeding related to graft exposure or where the graft has penetrated adjacent organs such as the bladder (including urethra) or bowel, including retroperitoneal dissection and mobilisation of bladder and/or bowel, other than a service associated with a service to which item 35581 or 35582 applies (H) (Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $1,473.20 Benefit: 75%=$1,104.90 |
New explanatory note for Excision of graft material (Items 35581 and 35582):
Note | Note Details |
TN.8.140 | For items 35581 and 35582 the size of the excised graft material must be histologically tested and confirmed. |
In this section
- Current Factsheets
- All Fact Sheets
- Changes to MBS items for orthopaedic surgery services
- 1 January 2025 pathology MBS changes
- 1 July 2023 pathology MBS changes
- 1 July 2024 pathology MBS changes
- 1 March 2021 fee increase for item 30630
- 1 March 2025 Pathology Changes - Amendment of MBS items 73296 and 73297 for BRCA-related breast, ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer due to family history
- 1 November 2023 pathology MBS changes
- 1 November 2024 pathology MBS changes
- 17p chromosomal deletion testing for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma – MBS item 73343
- Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging for rare genetic conditions associated with risk of renal tumours – new items for 1 July 2024
- Accreditation for SARS-CoV-2 Testing
- Acupuncture Services MBS item changes
- Allied Health Case Conferencing
- Alternative positron emission tomography (PET) item for use during gallium-67 supply disruptions
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for diagnosis of hypertension
- Amended MBS mental health and wellbeing telehealth items
- Amendment to existing skin excision and skin flap items
- Amendment to MBS item 51071 for spinal surgery
- Anaesthesia Age Modifier Items
- Appropriate Billing of MBS Item 13950
- Assessment for a COVID-19 oral anti-viral medication
- Autologous Fat Grafting
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): introduction of two new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items and removal of four outdated MBS items
- Blood Product Services
- Bulk Billing in General Practice from 1 November 2023
- Capital Sensitivity exemption changes to diagnostic imaging services
- Capital sensitivity exemption changes to diagnostic imaging services
- Cardiac implantable loop recorder (ILR) devices - new MBS items for remote monitoring
- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination - item continuation
- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination - item continuation
- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for myocarditis from 1 January 2025
- Cardiac Services T8 Item amendments
- Cardiac Stress Echocardiography and Stress Myocardial Perfusion Studies (MPS) - Claiming Information Guide
- Cardiothoracic surgery MBS item changes
- Cardiothoracic surgery – Amended item for complex replacement or repair of aortic arch
- Cessation of Approved Collection Centre pathology measures
- Cessation of the temporary Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for nuclear medicine factsheet
- Change to Botulinum Toxin Injection Item 18365 Factsheet
- Change to MBS medical perfusion (item 22060) factsheet
- Changes for diagnostic imaging services factsheet
- Changes to Anaesthesia MBS items
- Changes to Category 7 – Cleft and Craniofacial Services
- Changes to Colonoscopy services
- Changes to emergency medicine services
- Changes to in and out of hospital benefit for plastic and reconstructive surgery services
- Changes to MBS - 26 February 2021
- Changes to MBS anaesthesia items
- Changes to MBS benefit for eyelid reconstruction item 45614 from 1 November 2024
- Changes to MBS colonoscopy items factsheet
- Changes to MBS heart health assessment items 699 and 177
- Changes to MBS heart health assessment items factsheet
- Changes to MBS item 72814 for Programmed Cell Death Ligand (PD-L1) testing from 1 September 2023
- Changes to MBS items 15900 and 31516 factsheet
- Changes to MBS items 30196 and 30202
- Changes to MBS items 37207 and 37208 factsheet
- Changes to MBS items for breast biopsy services factsheet
- Changes to MBS Items for colonoscopy services factsheet
- Changes to MBS items for intensive care services
- Changes to MBS varicose vein items
- Changes to Obstetric MRI items factsheet
- Changes to psychiatry services from 1 March 2024
- Changes to supervision requirements for nuclear medicine imaging services from 1 July 2024
- Changes to the MBS - 26 February 2021
- Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule for radiation therapy items
- Changes to thoracic surgery Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items
- Chemotherapeutic Procedures Factsheet
- Childhood Access to Anaesthesia Services Factsheet
- Chronic disease management by consultant physicians
- Claiming Microbiology Tests for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) factsheet
- Clarifying clinical intent of spinal decompression items (MBS items 51011 to 51015)
- Clarifying MBS Items that are Hospital Only Services
- Clarifying the clinical intent of partial rhinoplasty (MBS item 45632)
- Clinically suspected melanoma item fee changes to include 2022 indexation
- Co-claiming limitations of subsequent attendance items with certain Group T8 surgical operations
- Co-claiming of subsequent attendance items with group T8 surgical operations.
- Colorectal Surgery MBS Item Changes
- Complex neurodevelopmental disorder and eligible disability changes to MBS items
- Continuous nerve blockade for post-operative pain management from 1 March 2025
- COVID-19 high risk group temporary exemption from established relationship requirement
- COVID-19 Temporary MBS Telehealth Services
- Cryoablation for biopsy-confirmed renal cell carcinoma - New MBS item
- CT Angiography of Pulmonary Arteries and Minor Changes
- Deep brain stimulation (DBS) - New MBS item 40863 for remote programming of a neurostimulator
- Determining lesion size for MBS items 31356 to 31388 selection
- Device agnostic transcatheter mitral valve repair, TMVr, by transvenous or transeptal techniques in patients with degenerative-primary mitral valve regurgitation
- Diagnostic imaging capital sensitivity 1 May 2022 exemption changes factsheet
- Diagnostic Imaging Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Item and Rule Changes
- Diagnostic Imaging Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item changes for 1 July 2022
- Diagnostic imaging Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item changes for 1 November 2021
- Diagnostic Imaging Services Table - Changes commencing from 1 July 2023
- Diagnostic Imaging Services Table - Changes to musculoskeletal ultrasound supervision requirements
- Diagnostic Imaging Services Table - New MBS item for whole body MRI scan
- Diagnostic Imaging Services Table – Changes from 1 November 2024
- Eligibility for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment changes from 1 July 2025
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) – minor amendment to MBS Item 32230
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) from 1 November 2021
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection and related colonoscopy item changes for 1 July 2024
- Ensuring Appropriate Use of Neurosurgery and Neurology Services
- Ensuring Appropriate Use of Neurosurgery and Neurology Services
- Exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) stress testing – New item
- Expanded patient access to mastopexy (MBS item 45558)
- Expanded patient access to Transcatheter occlusion for the Left Atrial Appendage
- Expanding patient access to Cleft Dental Services
- Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) caps on new ultrasound items
- Extension of COVID Pathology Items
- Extension of MBS Item 32221 for removal or revision of an artificial bowel sphincter
- Extension of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Laboratory Testing Items
- Extension of temporary pathology items for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and other respiratory pathogens
- Extension of temporary Pathology items for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and other respiratory pathogens
- Extension of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pathology Items
- Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) factsheet
- Extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) for chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD)
- Factsheet Change to item 18361
- Factsheet Changes to Nuclear Medicine items
- Factsheet ECP for the Treatment of CTCL
- Factsheet for Additional 10 MBS Mental Health Sessions
- Factsheet for changes to item 73343 to enable testing for acalabrutinib
- Factsheet for MBS item 69501
- Factsheet for MBS item 73295
- Factsheet for MBS item 73344
- Factsheets for 2018
- Factsheets for 2019
- Factsheets for 2020
- Factsheets for 2021
- Factsheets for 2022
- Factsheets for 2023
- Family and Carer Participation under the Better Access Initiative
- Fee loading for bulk billed consultant psychiatrist telehealth attendance - New MBS item 294
- Full versus Partial Medicare-eligible MRI machines in the Diagnostic Imaging Services Table
- Gallium-67 - New temporary diagnostic imaging MBS item
- General Surgery Services changes factsheets
- Genetic testing changes for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) immunotherapy
- Genetic testing for alpha thalassaemia - amendment to Pathology MBS item 73410
- Genetic testing for BRCA1/2 gene variants for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
- Genetic Testing for Childhood Syndromes
- Genetic Testing for Hydatidiform Moles
- Genetic testing for major fetal structure abnormalities
- Genetic testing for neuromuscular disorders - new pathology MBS items 73422 to 73428
- Genetic testing for neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase (NTRK) fusion in patients with locally advanced or metastatic solid tumours
- Genetic testing for people with multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
- Geriatrician or consultant physician assessment and management plans
- Group Therapy MBS Changes under the Better Access Initiative
- Gynaecology MBS item changes
- Gynaecology – minor changes
- Haemorrhoid treatments – changes to items 32135 and 32139
- Heart health assessment items
- Implementation of MBS Review Taskforce recommendations to optometry items - 1 March 2025
- Inclusion of communication time when claiming time-tiered MBS items
- Inpatient telehealth psychiatry services
- Insertion of marker clip(s) following a breast biopsy
- Intracranial aneurysm item – Amended item
- Intravascular ultrasound guided coronary stent insertion – New item
- Introducing a New Stroboscopy MBS Item
- Introduction of 6 minute minimum time for MBS Level B GP consultations
- Introduction of new Level E consultation items lasting 60 minutes or more
- Leadless permanent cardiac pacemaker new and amended items
- Leadless permanent cardiac pacemaker – Amended items
- Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment MBS eligibility changes
- MBS COVID-19 Management Support Service
- MBS funded investigations for sleep disorders – current professional guidelines
- MBS Support for People in COVID-19 Hotspots
- MBS Telehealth Services
- MBS Telehealth Services from 1 July 2022
- MBS Telehealth Services from January 2022
- Measurement of Faecal Calprotectin as a Marker of Bowel Inflammation
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item 42739 factsheet
- Medicare Compliance and Telehealth Services
- Medicare Indexation of Diagnostic Imaging Services Factsheet
- Medicare Indexation Schedule
- Medicare Safety Net Arrangement - 1 January 2021
- Medicare Safety Net Arrangement - 1 January 2022
- Medicare Safety Net Arrangements - 1 January 2019
- Medicare Safety Net Arrangements – 1 January 2023
- Medicare Safety Net Arrangements – 1 January 2024
- Medicare Safety Net Arrangements – 1 January 2025
- Medicare Safety Net Thresholds from 1 January 2019
- Medicare Safety Net Thresholds from 1 January 2020
- Medicare Support for COVID-19 Vaccinations
- Medicare Support in Response to Omicron - GP and Other Medical Officer (OMP) Longer Telephone Consultation.
- Melanoma excision services MBS item changes
- Mental Health Case Conferencing items
- Mental Health Services for Bushfire Response
- METex14sk testing to access tepotinib on the PBS - new item 73436
- Minimally invasive ventral rectopexy – ongoing item 32118
- Minor change to colorectal surgery MBS item 32006 for left hemicolectomy
- Minor changes to MBS Items for Orthopaedic Surgery
- Minor changes to sleep study items 12205 and 12207 factsheet
- Minor changes to spinal surgery items factsheet
- Minor changes to thoracic medicine items.
- Modernising Cardiac Surgical Services
- MSAC Application 1523.1 - Transluminal insertion, management, and removal of an intravascular microaxial blood pump (ImpellaŽ), for patients requiring mechanical circulatory support Quick Reference Guide
- Multidisciplinary case conference items for complex neurodevelopmental disorders and eligible disabilities
- National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP) MBS item amendments
- Neuromyelitis Optica Testing
- New and amended Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
- New arrangements for GP Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) services
- New item for homologous recombination deficiency testing of patients with ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancer
- New items using blue-light cystoscopy (BLC) with hexaminolevulinate (HAL) for improved diagnosis, treatment and management of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC)
- New Items – Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Therapy
- New Items – Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Therapy
- New Items – Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Therapy
- New MBS item 30175 for abdominoplasty
- New MBS Item for micro bypass glaucoma surgery (MBGS)
- New MBS Item for mobile provision of skeletal x-ray to patients within residential aged care facilities factsheet
- New MBS item for vertebroplasty
- New MBS items for Transcatheter Mitral Valve repair
- New MBS telehealth items for the remote programming of auditory implants and/or sound processors
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item for percutaneous transcatheter delivery of a dual filter Cerebral Embolic Protection Device (CEP) during transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item for prostate biopsy guided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) factsheet
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item for surgical correction of congenital ear deformities
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Items for contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for FDG positron emission tomography (PET) for the evaluation of breast cancer factsheet
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for breast cancer factsheet
- New Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for obstetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of patients at ≥ 18 weeks gestation with suspected fetal central nervous system abnormality
- New temporary MBS item 32118 for minimally invasive ventral mesh rectopexy
- New temporary Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for nuclear medicine factsheet
- Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Counselling MBS Services
- Nuclear medicine item 61485 - One-off schedule fee increase
- Nurse practitioner MBS changes
- Nurse practitioner MBS changes from 1 July 2024
- Orthopaedic Surgery - minor changes
- Orthopaedic surgery amendments to eight MBS items
- Orthopaedic surgery – minor amendment to item 49706
- Orthopaedic Surgery – New and amended MBS items
- Other Medical Practitioner and General Practitioner Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items administrative changes
- Otolaryngology and diagnostic audiology changes commencing 1 July 2024
- Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery MBS changes
- Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery MBS changes commencing 1 November 2023
- Paediatric Surgery MBS item changes
- Pain Management Services Changes
- Participating midwives MBS changes
- Participating Midwives MBS Item Changes
- Pathology Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item changes for 1 July 2022
- Pathology Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item changes for 1 September 2022
- Personal attendance for musculoskeletal ultrasound and personal supervision for nuclear medicine imaging services
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery MBS changes
- Plastics and reconstructive surgery MBS changes commencing 1 November 2023
- Point-of-care HbA1c testing for patients with diagnosed diabetes
- Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
- Previous Years Factsheets
- Privacy Checklist for Telehealth Services
- Programmed Cell Death Ligand (PD-L1) testing changes to pathology MBS item 72814
- Relative Value Guide – changes to cell salvage item 22002
- Remote reprogramming of a neurostimulator for the management of chronic pain
- Removal of age restriction for glucocorticoid injections of keloid lesions (MBS Item 30210)
- Removal of legislated collaborative arrangements
- Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Therapy – updated FAQ
- Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy on the MBS
- Replication of three items into the Relative Value Guide (RVG) for Anaesthesia
- Requests for diagnostic imaging services versus referrals for other services under Medicare
- Rural Bulk Billing Incentive Changes
- Safe and Best Practice Cardiac Imaging Services
- SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and other respiratory pathogens pathology items
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNBx) for intermediate thickness Melanoma
- Single operator, single use peroral cholangiopancreatoscopy for the diagnosis of indeterminate biliary strictures and removal of difficult biliary stones
- Spinal surgery Medicare Benefits Schedule item changes to exclude use for Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT)
- Split of MBS item 45626 for correction of entropion or ectropion due to trachoma or non-trachomatous causes factsheet
- Streamlining First Nations Australians’ access to allied health services
- Substitute positron emission tomography (PET) item for use during thallium-201 supply shortage
- Suspension of substitute Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for nuclear medicine
- TAVI standby cardiac surgeon amendments - items 90300, 38514, 38522 for low and intermediate surgical risk patients - Quick Reference Guide
- Telehealth MBS eligibility for COVID-19 positive patients
- Telehealth Services Provided by GPs and Non-Specialist Medical Practitioners to Patients in Rural and Remote Areas
- Temporary COVID-19 MBS Telehealth Services – specialist inpatient services
- Temporary COVID-19 Allied Health Support Services and GP/OMP Services for Aged Care Residents.
- Temporary nuclear medicine items 61470 and 61477 – item continuation and one-off fee increase
- Therapeutic nuclear medicine MBS changes
- Thoracic medicine items – minor updates
- Thoracic surgery MBS changes
- Three new items relating to plastic and reconstructive surgery for nurse practitioners
- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation - Amended items
- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) items - complete service advice
- Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) – new and amended services
- Upcoming changes to MBS items - Eating Disorders
- Updates to the Medicare Benefits Schedule for radiation therapy items from 1 November 2024
- Upper eyelid reduction surgery - Changes to MBS item 45617
- Urology Services Factsheet
- Varicose vein MBS item changes
- Verbal assignment of benefit arrangements for telehealth services